The Importance of Grass for Cats

The Importance of Grass for Cats


We often perceive cats as strict carnivores. But we see that cats usually eat grass and they like to eat grass.

 This behavior seem strange to us. But it is very healthy and also beneficial for cats. By eating grass cat can also have a healthy life.

 Lets talk about some importance of eating grass for cats:


Digestive Aid



Eating grass is helpful because it aids in digestion for cats. The enzymes and fibers present in the grass that can facilitate making the food more compact. 


Since cats often lick grass and eat it the grass helps to promote defecation to remove  indigestible food.

Usually they eat grass when they face problems with indigestion.


Grass also helps digest fur. This is especially useful for long-haired cats. Long-haired cats groom themselves a lot and may eat a lot of fur.


They may indulge in eating grass which helps them pass hairballs with ease thus avoiding choking and the formation of balls that may hinder digestion in the intestines.


Inducing Vomiting


While this may sound unfavorable there is another important function of grass in a cat’s diet – that is it can tend to make the cat vomit.


Sometimes different foods do not want to be digested in the cat’s stomach.

Which becomes very inconvenient for them. Until they are able to expel these particles, they feel discomfort and want to expel the food.


Eating grass during this time goes into the stomach and helps the cat to vomit so the undigested food comes out and they feel better.


As strange as it may sound, it is actually beneficial for cats and they feel better as a result.

If the undigested food in the stomach does not come out, they cannot eat anything else. If faced with this problem for a long time, it affects their health.


Nutritional Supplement


Grass has some nutritious value among its positive attributes.


Grass is a good and natural source of vitamins and minerals, which are very helpful for cats. It is a source of needed trace minerals, micronutrients, and vitamins.


These vitamins and minerals help your cat grow well and after eating grass your cat feels energetic and free from many problems.


Grass also helps your cat with proper blood circulation and prevents anemia.

So to make sure they get their needed nutrients regularly your cat should be given grass.


Stress Relief:



I’ll tell you a story.


When I was a new cat breeder, I noticed that sometimes my cat named Mili, was stressed, misbehaved with me, and bit me more and more.


At that time, I did not know the overall benefits of grass but I knew that cats eat grass.

One day I collected some grass for her and fed it to her. Then I noticed some changes in her behavior and saw that she was feeling less stressed and started playing with me again.


So I realized that grass also helps cats relieve stress which is very helpful for our cat and for us.


Encouraging Hydration



Our cat does not always like to drink water. If they drink very little water they can get dehydrated and have problems with their urine. This can sometimes lead to a urinary infection.


On the other hand we know that grass contains water. Eating grass helps cats stay hydrated and solves the urine problem also.


Sometimes we notice that cat urine has a  bad smell and their poop also smells bad. Grass can help solve this problem.


Relieves the need to escape from the house



Even after spaying or neutering, it is their natural tendency to want to go outside the house. Sometimes they want to go outside if they see another cat or something.


But if you feed them grass during such times their desire to go outside is greatly reduced. I see this all the time with my cats. Feeding them grass whenever they want to go outside greatly reduces that need.

Even sometimes they want to go outside to eat grass.


So you should also feed your cat grass when they want to go outside.


In conclusion, Grass is a beneficial food for cats and most importantly it is completely natural and unadulterated. One of the benefits of grass is that it keeps the stomach clean and provides essential nutrients for digestion. It also helps cats relax and reduces many bad habits which is good for cat owners. Additionally it helps keep the cat fit and supports proper appetite. There are also many other benefits that we have discussed above.

So I think you should also add grass to your cats food routine.

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